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People & Performance: Open Procurement Session.


Updated: May 17, 2022

Creative West End is pleased to release dates for this year's OP (Open Procurement) sessions for projects. At these sessions, together we will develop ideas and agree funding for new collaborative projects to take place between May and October 2022. These projects will be decided transparently and collaboratively in the sessions, the briefs for which are informed by feedback from previous events and from the CWE network sessions.

Expressions for this first session close at 5pm on Thursday 21st April 2022.

We are open to expressions of interest from the network for our first Project focussed OP session of the year. We know our CWE market events need music and performance art and we want that to be rooted in and connected to our wonderful West End community. We'll be spending the session developing a collaborative solution / idea to make sure we have a fantastic offer for 2022's markets.

Performance includes live art of any kind, but particularly music, spoken word & theatre. We have a £3,000 budget for this brief. Creative West End is rooted in building collaboration and growth of a locally rooted creative community stemming from our open and welcoming network. Therefore all projects must:

  • Be shaped by and connected to the CWE network.

  • Be collaborative.

  • Demonstrate how the project will have a positive impact in improving the look and feel of the area.

  • Commit to a workshop, performance or event at an upcoming CWE Market to promote and share the project with the wider community.

We do not expect you to come along with a fully formed plan ready to deliver, but with ideas that can be shaped through the session with others taking part. Have a think before you come about the brief, how your skills could contribute, what you might need and what your costs might be. We expect to come away with some exciting work to look forward to over the summer months that in time might further grow and evolve.

Our work with CWE markets and ongoing work with Heather Peak-Morrison is about creating space for people to come together, exchange skills, talents, ideas and conversations. Projects delivered collectively through CWE will need to connect with these core programmes.

To be part of the People & Performance session - you'll need to click this link, and fill out a quick expression of interest. We'll confirm details with you on Friday 22nd, ahead of the OP session taking place on Monday 25th at 4pm.

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